Hoong Design Furiture Sdn. Bhd. was established since 2011 which located at Muar, Johor. We have more than 15 years experienced in both local and overseas market, specializing in designing and manufacturing series of good quality rubber wood, metal and upholstery base furniture products which covered simple & modern, carving & classic dining set, full metal & wooden metal beds, occasional items & hotel tea sets, designs of upholstery parson chair, sofa and beds.
One of our biggest advantages is to allow customer to order Mix Items in Full Container Load. With our online stock control system, we believe that it is much more convenient for you to order in mix items with more efficiency and cost saving.
To create latest collections & designs to fulfill the changing trend of global market and our customer needs. To provide excellent services in order to meet customer satisfaction.
We offered all kinds of international trade related service such as inspection, quality control, product sourcing and development to our overseas market buyer. With our strong & dynamic team, all our products are inspected thoroughly with zero defects. Our comprehensive experience allows us to provide a quality and durability product at a competitive price.